Søgeresultater for “stor i slaget”
Der blev fundet 1 post i Dansk-Engelsk:
slag substantiv <-et, -, -ene>
(med hånd eller våben) blow - He was attacked but took the blows without fighting back
(med hånd eller våben) knock - She got a knock on the head and passed out
(med hånden) cuff - She gave him a friendly cuff on the shoulder
(med knyttet hånd) punch - He was angry and gave him a punch
(med flad hånd) slap - She gave her son a slap because he was naughty
(sidelæns slag) swipe - He took a swipe with the cricket bat
(af klokke osv.) stroke - The stroke of the bell was loud in the night
(om f.eks. kortspil) game - They played a game of cards while they were waiting
give nogen frit slag » give somebody carte blanche - They gave him carte blanche to close the deal
stor i slaget » too big for one's boots - He is getting too big for his boots
slagets gang » [Figurativ] the progress of events - He decided to watch the progress of events at a distance
se også puls
afbøde et ~ cushion a blow
afværge et ~ / ~ene ward off a blow / the blows [with one's arms]
der er frit ~ it's up for grabs
et ~ i hovedet [be killed by] a blow to the head
et hårdt ~ EX: The integrity of sport has been dealt a heavy blow. | It must have been a heavy blow to him.
komme med et ~ på tasken make a guesstimate
lede ~ets gang direct operations
med ét ~ at a stroke; in one stroke (begge: fig)
mildne et ~ soften a blow (psykisk)
springe et ~ over EX: His heart missed a beat.
et voldsomt ~ a powerful blow (konkret og fig)
være som et ~ i ansigtet be like a slap in the face